As a child my world grew leaps and bounds as I immersed myself into books. I hid myself in pages of orphaned girls, mysteries of years ago, animals and animation of all kinds. As a child I would write puppet shows and perform them for younger friends. As a young aunt I would make up stories for my nieces and nephews. As a first year teacher I wrote my first children's book. My see my words published and beautifully illustrated one day, Lord willing. For now, I will self-publish the stories that I write for my own precious four children as I do what I can to help their imaginations soar through a world of wonderful words.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ellie Loves Shoes

Ellie is currently the youngest member of Team Honduras.  She is the cutest year and a half year old toddler.  I am having so much fun watching her - it brings so many memories from when the twins were little.  Ellie loves shoes!  She is constantly putting them on and off.  Trying on any shoe that is available.  The other day we were all at the beach/pool together and she was entertained for a long time just trading out from my flip flops to Siah's crocks to her sisters sandals.  It brought a smile to my lips as I started saying, "Ellie love shoes. Big shoes, small shoes, blue shoes, red shoes."  Her mother and I laughed, "What a great kid's book!" So here attempt to write about Ellie and her shoes!

Ellie Loves Shoes
Ellie is playing in the living room.  Her mother says to her, "Ellie, it's time to go outside and play." Ellie runs to her room for her blue flip flops. Ellie loves shoes!

Ellie is playing outside. Her mother says to her, "Ellie, get in your stroller and let's go for a walk to the park." Ellie runs back inside to find another pair of shoes.  She trades her blue flip flops for her yellow tennis shoes. Ellie loves shoes!

Ellie is playing at the park and steps in mud. Her mother says to her "Ellie, your shoes are all dirty. Time to go home. Ellie digs through the bottom of her stroller and finds another pair of shoes.  She trades her yellow tennis shoes for her green sandals. Ellie loves shoes!

Ellie is in the stroller on her way back home. Her mother says to her "Ellie, we're home. Time for a nap." Ellie climbs out of her stroller and goes inside to her room to find another pair of shoes. She trades her green sandals for her red bedroom slippers. Ellie loves shoes!

Ellie climbs in her bed and falls fast asleep. Ellie dreams. What does Ellie dream about? Ellie dreams about blue flip flops, yellow tennis shoes, green sandals and red bedroom slippers.

Ellie is sleeping in her bed. Her mother says to her, "Ellie, it's time to wake up and go to ballet practice." Ellie climbs out of bed and goes to her closet to find another pair of shoes. She trades her red bedroom slippers for her pink ballet shoes . Ellie loves shoes!

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